VERY LIMITED QUANTITY! We imported these ourselves from China. Copies for sale here are shrink-wrapped but may have slight bumps or dings to edges
"Since 2016, the Shanghai-based comic artist Woshibai (我是白) has been building an extensive body of work online, all ostensibly set in a unified, instantly recognizable universe.
Their concise, silent short stories feature black-and-white drawings and surreal themes. A vending machine accepts the moon as currency. Clouds throw parties. A single tear summons a rainbow. Recurring characters indulge in acts of cosmic reverie – from a round of mini-golf with planets to stacking dominoes across an entire city. Woshibai frequently plays with perspective and scale, resolving these shorts with “plot twists” — worlds within worlds, deus ex machinas, or windows that become mirrors. The moon is accepted as currency. The clouds are kidnapped and stuffed into a mattress. The rainbow creates a moment of silent beauty across a grey city. The dominoes are run over and disrupted by a passing truck. They’re not elaborate puzzle boxes like the work of, say, Jason Shiga, but a similar playfulness with the subverting of narrative expectations is at work, albeit compacted down to the scale of a single Instagram post." -- Krish Raghav for Solrad, 2020
DIMENSIONS: 5 x 3.5 inches
PAGES: 556